The Ultimate Printable Homeschool Lesson Planner
This printable homeschool lesson planner will help you organize your with this simple and practical homeschool lesson planner printable available as a pdf download.
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Importance of organization in homeschooling
Organization is crucial in homeschooling for a few reasons. An organized homeschool environment establishes rhythms and routines that provide our children with a sense of predictability and comfort. Organization helps families effectively manage time so that in many cases schoolwork can be completed in a few short hours depending on grade level.
Keeping lesson plans and making them available to students fosters accountability as students understand responsibilities and expectations. If you’re children are anything like mine they are constantly asking what’s next. Having a plan and rhythms your children can expect makes the day less chaotic and more relaxed.
Introducing the Simple Homeschool Lesson Planner Printable
After 10 years of homeschool planning and never finding just what I was looking for, I decided to design my own homeschool lesson planner that would meet all of my needs. After brainstorming and talking with friends, my desire was to create a planner that could be used for multiple children, that was undated, and was useful in planning and tracking more than just daily lessons.
I wanted a place where I could track progress, take notes, keep schedules, and brainstorm ideas. An all in one space for all things homeschool for our large family.
My Simple Homeschool Planner is it! I believe homeschool moms will be pleasantly surprised at all that’s included in this 375 page planner. It’s especially perfect for moms who are new to homeschooling! It is comprehensive and jam packed with features to keep you organized and on track. From the preplanning and brainstorming stages to completing end of the school year records, we’ve got you covered!
What’s included in this digital product
- 375 printable pages
- 12 month undated planner with monthly calendar, weekly schedule planner, and daily planner pages: Start the homeschool planner when you want and use for an entire year.
- Subject area planning for up to 6 children: Keeping track of homeschool lessons for a large family made easy!
- Curriculum planning pages, daily lesson planning pages, and tracking pages for up to 6 children.
- Monthly planning page with room for to-do’s, memory verse to dwell on, brain dump area for things you need to remember
- Weekly rhythms sheet for streamlining and organizing your daily routines and activities as well as weekly assignments
- Tracking pages for grades, assessments and standardized tests for notation of progress and achievements
- Attendance tracker
- Planning sheets for field trips as well as an adventure log to keep notes
- Goal setting sheet as well as questions to ponder as you discover your why and homeschool goals for a new school year
- Planning sheets for volunteering, as well as co-op and group learning opportunities
- Page for listing community resources such as local library story times and meet ups
- State requirement worksheet to ensure you meet all government regulations and requirements
- Planning space for unit studies as well as long term planning pages for seasons and holidays
- Family read aloud book list
- Seasonal tracker for hours spent outside
- Notes pages for next year + more!
Benefits and how to use the homeschool lesson planner
The Simple Homeschool Planner is easy to use and isn’t full of fluff. The layout is crisp and clean and can be printed affordably in black and white ink at your local print shop. The design is 8.5 x 11 inches and can be spiral bound or hole punched and placed in a 3 ring binder.
One of my favorite features is the the adaptability for up to 6 children. If your a homeschool parent with multiple children, you know how difficult it is to see what’s planned for each child while flipping pages back and forth.
Not with this planner! Daily planning sheets allow you to see what’s expected for each child for every subject all on one page! No more flipping back and forth. There’s space to plan for morning basket or table time, combined studies for multiple children in multiple grade levels, as well as individual subject planning.
You’ll find a page for goal setting and a place to consider and determine your “why” behind your choice to homeschool.
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What sets this planner apart
After lots of market research, I’ve found our planner to be unique in a few ways. The simple homeschool planner is designed to align your homeschool with rhythms and routines that naturally change as the seasons do.
There are seasonal thematic unit planning pages where you can plan seasonal activities, crafts, adventures and create book lists. You’ll also find room for planning field trips related to the seasons such as apple picking in the fall and visiting a strawberry patch in the spring.
An adventure log is included for your family to use in recording outings and field trips that you take throughout the school year. We want to encourage you and your children to get outside more often! Plenty of play and outside time is an envaluble perk of homeschooling.
“Children deserve to grow and learn in a place and alongside a force that is as wild and alive as they are.” -Nicolette Sowder
In the back of your planner you’ll find a tracker for hours spent outside. Simply fill in a bubble for each hour enjoyed outside. It’s a great way to see your progress month to month.
How to use this printable planner
You’ll find two available options in the shop. Option one is a printable pdf file for you to download and print on your own. Option two is to have a spiral bound planner shipped directly to your door if you prefer purchasing physical products.
After purchasing your home school planner, you will receive an email to download the pdf files. You can have the files printed and bound for your own personal use at a local office supply store or another great option is to print it at home (we recommend this printer) and place the sheets in a three ring binder.
Print at once or print as you go, with the pdf download you’ll have control to use it as you like. Whatever your teaching style, I believe you’ll find this simple planner practical and easy to use.
My heart behind this homeschool planner is to help you feel equipped and encouraged as you learn alongside your children at home. I hope you’ll use it as a guide in planning and organizing your school year.
I realize as a new homeschool mom you may be feeling overwhelmed and inadequate but hear this…You know your children best. You know what excites and motivates them. I believe that God is calling you to a good work in homeschooling your children. A work He will equip you for and pour out his blessings upon.
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