Homeschool Morning Day in the Life
The question I’m most often asked about homeschooling is, “What does your day look like?” So today I’m sharing our homeschool morning day in the life and answering some common questions.

It’s always interesting to me to see how other families homeschool. I love seeing the flow of someone else’s day. It helps me to think of how I might change up a few things in my own routine. That’s the beauty of homeschooling. You decide what works best for your family and can change things up anytime you like!
Over the years routines have changed and our homeschool has evolved as I let go of my mindset as a former classroom teacher. With time I’ve become more comfortable and confident in educating my children at home. I am a firm believer that you don’t need any special credentials to learn with your children at home. In fact, you’re the very one who knows them best and no one else cares for their education like you.

What time do you get started each day?
Mornings are more enjoyable when they’re slow. I’ve learned that rising before the kids is a must for me. I like to get up, make coffee in my french press and have some quiet time to read my Bible and pray before someone yells mom.
I find days where I’m dressed, bed made, bible read, and coffee sipped are more productive and less fussy. And by fussy I mean I’m doing less fussing. While the girls get awake and dressed I’ll typically make breakfast. My kids love cold cereal but I make a hot breakfast a few days a week. Muffins, pancakes, and eggs are a few of our favorites and breakfast is where I’ve been using most of my sourdough discard.

How do you manage multiple ages and learning levels?
After breakfast we head upstairs for our lessons. Our homeschool morning routine has changed many, many times but during this season of life our oldest two are able to work more independently while I do math and phonics with our 1st grader. While we’re learning, the youngest of the bunch are playing and generally making a mess. I’d be lying if I said we are able to work without interruptions. It’s quite the opposite. In a larger family it seems like someone’s always needing something or crying but we just keep moving along.
Once I’ve finished working with our 7 year old, I’ll check in with our oldest two and help where they need it. Then I’ll hop back over and read a book with anyone who wants to listen.
When my oldest girls were younger we would sit at a table one on each side and I would go back and forth teaching one while the other works independently. It wasn’t until last year that they really began to go through a lesson on their own and come to me with questions. Of course, I look over what they’ve done and we correct together when needed.
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What about science and history?
It’s been nice having children that are close in age. Our oldest girls are 2 years apart and it’s allowed us to study a few subjects together. Both science and history are easily taught to multiple ages and learning levels so we are able to learn about nature and the past with each other. This is my favorite! I love having the kids all around me listening and asking questions. Even our youngest ones join in for history read-alouds and nature walks. We typically study science and history a few times a week where as math and language arts are studied daily.

Do you have lessons everyday?
Field trip Friday is everyone’s favorite, although it’s not always on a Friday. This is something we started a few years ago and it stuck. We have a four day school week and save one day a week for some sort of field trip. We’ve gone on hikes, to museums, zoos, performances, historical places, parks, play dates at a friend’s home, bookstores, and even to Target (ha!). Sometimes we just stay home and play or relax.
When I was a classroom teacher, it was disappointing to only get one field trip per year. I believe that kids and adults learn best from experiences so I want to give my children plenty of opportunities to do just that. Field trip Friday is a day we all look forward to and keeps us motivated to get all of our lessons complete so we can take off on an adventure together.

What time do you finish your homeschool day?
We typically finish up our lessons before lunch and my kids get to enjoy most afternoons playing outside. Besides getting to be at home with my children, this is the best part of homeschooling! My kids have the freedom to play all afternoon. Sometimes it’s riding bike’s or playing with the neighbors who also homeschool. Other days they choose to create artwork, bake a cake, or sew something for a doll. Rainy days are spent curled up with books, watching a movie, or playing inside together while I do whatever I need to for the household or for my own sanity.

One thing to remember is that learning at home isn’t like school in a classroom. Trust me. I tried that. Homeschooling is flexible and the learning environment is completely different. You’re the teacher, the curriculum specialist, the principal, and you run the PTA. It’s not easy but it’s been incredibly rewarding for us all.
Want to know more? Drop a question below. I’m an open book!